Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024


By ultradmin Nov 9, 2022

Официальный сайт: https://auto-iz-usa.com

Телефон: +7 (937) 390-5551

Адрес: г. Новочебоксарск ул. Промышленная, д. 49

Цены на автомобили в США

Мы предлагаем самые низкие цены на доставку автомобилей из США, и точно ниже, чем у конкурентов. Продажа автомобилей в Америке – это успешный, четко налаженный и честный бизнес. Мы работаем только со статусными и проверенными продавцами качественных машин, для которых продажа авто в США является не только способом получения дохода, но и ответственностью перед клиентами. Данный сайт поможет вам разобраться во всех тонкостях и нюансах услуг, предоставляемых нашей профессиональной компанией. Под каждую услугу выделен свой раздел с подробнейшей информацией. Кроме того, на сайте компании вы найдете самые последние автомобильные новости, много полезной информации, которая пригодится всем автолюбителям. Если же нужной вам информации на сайте вы не найдете, то раздел «Вопрос-ответ» идеально исправит эту ситуацию. Здесь, по возможности, я постараюсь ответить вам на интересующие вас вопросы, например про стоимость автомобилей или о наиболее подходящей модели автомобиля под конкретные запросы.

Выражаю огромную признательность тем клиентам, которые оставляют отзывы о работе нашей компании в соответствующем разделе. Со своей стороны мы гарантируем вам взаимовыгодное и надежное сотрудничество.

К сотрудничеству приглашаются юридические и физические лица, желающие на постоянной основе приобретать автомобили и машинокомплекты из США.

3 thoughts on “auto-iz-usa.com”
  1. Hello! Congratulations on the launch of your new site. It’s nice to be able to leave a review. By the way, cars from the USA, the forum about which is replete with excellent comments, is also very useful for every car enthusiast! Decided to use it right away. Already had the opportunity to work with this company and was very satisfied with the work. I bought cars from America more than once, including through other companies, and here I was pleasantly surprised by the service. Rarely where such an interest in the interests of the client is immediately visible. They work quickly, are friendly, all costs and stages of work are transparent. Photos are provided immediately, without additional requests. At the same time, upon arrival, you can easily make sure that your purchase will strictly correspond to the photos sent. Thank you so much for your work, I have been driving a car purchased through you for a year now, and so far there have been no problems. Many thanks for helping with the choice and dissuaded from the original version. Now I understand that he was much less successful. I am glad that not everyone works according to the principle: “give us your money and get out.” Here they treat the client with respect and try to find really good options. Now I’m getting ready for a new purchase. Of course, through you. By the way, I would like to say that my friends, who bought cars from you with me, are also very satisfied with their purchases, as well as with the service. They are also glad that they bought cars from the USA, reviews of which they read on your website. Be sure to tell them that you have a new site, for sure, and they will want to say a few kind words to you.

  2. I am very grateful to you for your work. I know that I am not an easy client, but the employees were polite and correct in everything. And most importantly, they work openly and honestly, which is becoming increasingly rare in the modern world. The acquisition procedure was described before the conclusion of the contract, and as a result, it did not differ from the description. Moreover, when it turned out that the payment was higher than the actual expenditure of funds, which I might not have known, the excess money was returned to me. This is rare now. More often you have to pay in excess of what was agreed at the beginning, and it’s not clear why. I was warned about all the malfunctions of the car in advance, now I regret that I did not immediately listen to the advice, however, I myself am to blame here. Next time I will certainly take into account all the advice that will be given to me in the process of purchasing a car, after all, experienced specialists know better what they are dealing with. And then I will drive a car made in the USA. Once again, thank you so much for your work and for your patience with my cockroaches!

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